The Talon Review is affiliated with the University of North Florida's English department. Visit The Talon Review to learn more.
The Talon Review requests first-time worldwide online rights, nonexclusive reprint/anthology rights (including the right to republish accepted works in print or electronic media, and rights to use excerpts in our promotional materials. All other rights revert back to the authors upon publication. If the work is republished elsewhere, we ask that The Talon Review be noted as the first place of publication. Before submitting your work, please review the following guidelines. Failure to follow these guidelines may affect the chances of a submission being accepted.
- We accept submissions through Submittable
- You may submit to each genre one time during our reading periods (unless specified otherwise).
- We do not accept works that have been previously published.
- Simultaneous submissions are fine, but let us know immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere.
- We require first publishing rights as well as the option to anthologize.
- All accepted submissions are considered for nomination to literary awards, such as The Pushcart Prize and the Best of the Net Anthology. Contributors will be notified if their work is nominated.
- We suggest taking a look at our previous issues to get an idea of the types of work we are interested in.
- In your cover letter, please include a short bio no longer than 250 words in the third person. This could be who you are, where you’re from, what you like to do, or where you’ve been published before.
- You may submit up to three short stories in the same document.
- Submissions should not exceed 3000 words or 12 pages and cannot be excerpts from novels or larger works.
- Submissions should be double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, in manuscript format, and submitted as .docx files
- Ensure that your manuscript is named appropriately, such as the following: LastName_ShortTitle_Year.docx. Example: Smith_Circles_2018.docx.
- You may submit up to three essays in the same document.
- Submissions should not exceed 3000 words or 12 pages and cannot be excerpts from larger works.
- Submissions should be double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, in manuscript format, and submitted as .docx files
- Ensure that your manuscript is named appropriately, such as the following: LastName_ShortTitle_Year.docx. Example: Smith_Circles_2018.docx.
- You may submit up to four poems in the same document.
- Submissions should not exceed six pages.
- Submissions should be single-spaced.
- Ensure that your manuscript is named appropriately, such as the following: LastName_ShortTitle_Year.docx. Example: Smith_Circles_2018.docx.
- This is a large and relatively free category. We only require that submissions have an audio or video component to them: these may include short films, video essays, cinepoems, spoken word poetry, song, dance, etc.
- Video submissions should be submitted as YouTube or Vimeo links. Upload your .mp3 (audio) or .mp4 (video) to YouTube or Vimeo and then link it to us. Audio may also be submitted via links to Bandcamp or Soundcloud.
- Videos MUST be ADA compliant. This means they must either have closed captioning or an accompanying transcript.
- Submissions should not exceed 10 minutes.
- Submissions require non-exclusive rights. We accept submissions available elsewhere (i.e. YouTube), though by submitting, you are recognizing The Talon Review as an additional platform/publisher. As well, you commit to providing a link back to The Talon Review.
- Due to the nature of these submissions, they will not be included in Talon’s issues. Instead, they will be published on the front page of our website for a month and then stored in an accessible archive page.
Talon seeks a wide range of visual art entries–including but not limited to–drawing, photography, sequential art, and collage. We also consider photographic documentation of sculptural and time-based work.
Note about previous publications: with regards to Visual Art, Talon will consider pieces that have been shown as part of an exhibition, but not work that has appeared published as part of an anthology or literary journal. If you have questions please reach out to the editors at
If you are unsure if your work meets the expectations of Talon, please reach out!
Visual Art Submissions
- You may submit up to 4 images- please note works that are part of a series are considered individual submissions. For example if your work consists of 16 photographs, only 4 can be submitted for consideration.
- For each image include the title of the work, year it was made, medium, and dimensions (HxWxD)
- Files should be saved as high quality .png files (preferred) or .jpg files.
- Files should be sized no larger than 3000 pixels on the longest edge and no smaller than 1200 pixels on the longest edge at 72 dpi.
Label your submissions:
Example: 01_Smith_Circles_2018.png.
- Digital images should be high quality and representative of your artwork. Images that are poor quality or digitally corrected so as to be misrepresentative of the artwork will not be considered.
- In your cover letter please include a brief artist statement about the work you are submitting- 75-100 words maximum, in addition to a brief bio.
- Please ensure that your submission does not exceed 8 pages.
- We accept .png files, .docx files, or .jpg files of cross-genre submissions.
- All rights to visual and intellectual media used should be owned by the author. If not, it is the author's responsibility to attain full copyright permission to use any intellectual property that is not their own prior to publication. We reserve the right to reject a submission on the basis of intellectual property infringement.
- When digitally manipulating your traditional work, do so for the best image quality, but do not manipulate it to the point that it is misrepresented. That said, ensure any pictures/scans of traditional work are well- and evenly lit.
- Ensure that your image files are named appropriately, such as the following: LastName_ShortTitle_Year.png. Example: Smith_Circles_2018.png.
- Submissions to The Catch newsletter are open to University of North Florida students.
- Submissions to The Catch are only open during our reading periods.
- The Catch accepts fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, interviews, and book reviews.
- For fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry submissions, please refer to the guidelines listed under our general submissions.
- For interviews and book reviews, submissions should not exceed 3000 words or 12 pages and should be double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, in manuscript format, and submitted as .docx files
- When submitting, please add “Catch Submission” to the submission title in Submittable, so we know your submission is for The Catch.
- In your third-person bio, please share your year in school and what you’re studying at UNF.
- Ensure that your manuscript is named appropriately, such as the following: LastName_ShortTitle_Year.docx. Example: Smith_Circles_2018.docx.
QUESTIONS? Check out our FAQs or shoot us an email at